What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy comes from “osteo” -structure of the body- and “Path”- the way through, so we understand Osteopathy as the study of tissues and body functions including all its dimensions and movements. It is a therapy that takes care of the patient as a whole and not just the illness or symptom.

Osteopathy is a science based on a manual system based on the discoveries and clinical experience of its founder, Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917).

Osteopathy is based on a series of ideas that have evolved over the years. Dr. Still began talking about the key pillar in the human body: life itself. Our body has life, it is in fact a clever mechanism that has adapted to the different needs through thousands of years of evolution.

Dr. Still could observe that the structure of the body is related to its physiological function in a reciprocal manner. He found out that the freedom of movement of all parts of the body guarantees a free exchange of fluids through the tissues and organs, and that is why it is essential to have good health.

Years later, Dr. Sutherland noted that the bones of the skull were connected by joints that allowed a small degree of movement.